Pictured above: My 2021 vision board. Find image sources here.
I thought I’d share some personal insight into my last year, because I myself find that hearing about the lives behind the artist/business is helpful and just something I enjoy. So, here’s a peek into my life lately and what I’m dreaming up for next year!
2020 was a year of contradictions: it was somehow my best year in business yet, but one of the hardest personally. And though it was a year filled with challenges, I did actually feel stronger from them, eventually!, so in a way I am grateful for that growth (or at least I’m trying to be). My husband Michael and I have been through a lot: in late 2019, he suddenly lost his mom, Ann, a best friend to me and she was like my mom, too. It’s still devastating and we miss her everyday. Pretty much immediately after that the pandemic started. It’s been a year of strange grief. I’m very thankful for group therapy and individual therapy for both of us. If you are going through any kind of grief, I can’t recommend therapy enough. In late summer after being very cautious, we both caught Covid and thankfully recovered after a few weeks (though he still can’t fully smell! crazy). My mom works at a nursing home and I’m very grateful she will be getting the vaccine next month!
In November, we suddenly lost our sweet cat Selene who had truly been there for us this past year, always there for a snuggle and had especially kept Michael company lately. Not to sit here and list all of our grievances, but all this to say I have grappled with quite a bit of anxiety this year which has manifested in unexpected ways, like creeping into my business and magnifying insecurities. Like feelings of self-doubt, imposter syndrome, social anxiety among my peers, perfectionism, etc. – hey, I said this would get personal! Ha. But I’m sharing these things because I know others out there face the same, or something similar.I think sometimes it seems like from the outside that I don’t deal with these things, but I absolutely do. And I hope by sharing this you can see that I do not have a perfect business, life, and mind — everyone is dealing with something. Which is exactly what we need to remember, so that we can be kind to others but also be kind to ourselves. Perfection is not the answer.
I’ve discussed some of the challenges, so to celebrate a little bit I’m going to recap my favorite things about 2020. No matter what you faced this year, I encourage you to do the same!
• Released new collaborations with Uncommon Goods and Hedley & Bennett
• Taught Licensing for Artists for the first time! My students are amazing and I can’t wait to teach it again.
• Taught a new mini-course, Creative Clarity
• Painted a lot in the spring, released a couple painting collections, and holiday products
• Cooked a lot more!
• Had the best birthday at a cabin in the woods in St. Francisville, Louisiana
• Reached my sales/revenue goal for the year
What’s to come in 2021
Obviously I’m not setting too much in stone for next year 😉 The only thing for sure on the books right now, is that I have a couple of collaborations releasing early in the year, and I’ll be teaching Licensing for Artists again in January (Opens January 27th)!
And what else would I like to do? Here’s a few things I have in mind:
• Purchase our first home with a backyard art studio
• Paint, paint, paint – especially big canvases again!
• Design and pitch a new fabric collection
• Finally finish my new website!
• A new Skillshare class
• Think about book ideas/pitches….
I think that should cover me! Ha, we shall see what really happens…One thing I do know, it’s always an interesting ride!
Thank you for reading, and I’m wishing you a happy and safe holiday season! I’ll see you all again in 2021. Happy New Year!
xo Juliet

Happy holidays! From Juliet, Michael, and Roxy | Photos by Sarah Becker Photography
What a difficult year it has been…thanks for sharing with us, and I’m so glad you and Michael are healthy again. ❤ Congrats on reaching your goals for the year and I’m looking forward to your new SS class. 🙂
Hi Juliet,
Thanks for sharing some personal stuff. I really appreciate it. One question: where will be you teaching Licensing for Artists?
It’s so inspiring to read about your 2020, Wish You a best of luck in 2021.
Thank you for sharing. I understand what you mean when you say it’s been a year of strange grief. I lost my mother suddenly in August, and I didn’t get to be with her so that’s been very hard to deal with. My husband and I miss her a lot. He said she was like his second mom. I had to call her best friend and tell her the news, and it was heartbreaking. We didn’t even get to have a proper memorial because of Covid and people not being able to travel.
I’ve struggled with anxiety for a lot of reasons, even before this crazy year, so I know how you feel. It’s been a lot. And I’m so sorry about your cat. Losing a pet is devastating any time, but especially after losing a parent.
It sounds like you’ve accomplished a lot though, and I love your 2021 goals! That backyard art studio sounds like a dream. I haven’t painted on big canvases for years, so maybe I’ll make that a goal of mine as well. Here’s hoping for better times and creative inspiration in the coming year. Take care.
Happy New Year to you too Juliet!
Thanks for your heartfelt post Juliet! I am so sorry to hear that you went through Covid. My sister-in-law contracted it as well, and with an already weakened immune system, did not make it…so I know how serious it can be!! Scary stuff.
Just wanted to take the time to thank you for your course Licensing for Artists….it’s something I’m still working at. I love seeing the work you’re doing and would like to grow in this direction, too. I don’t know how I missed out on the apron you’ve designed, but I’m on the waiting list for when it’s back in stock!! Hope your 2021 is great, cheer and blessings to you both, Roxanne 🙂
Thank you Juliet for sharing. Am wishing you bright days ahead for a beautiful fulfilling Year of more of your beautiful art, a cozy new home where you can paint, cook, relax and enjoy your time together. Thank you for sharing your heartwarming letter. I really pray you both stay well and happy. So sorry for your loss. Take care and Always take time to dream. Hugs & love, Janna
I’m always grateful for your warm generous spirit. Thanks for sharing your art and life with us.
Katie Darling
Oh hon, my heart goes out to you! Both of you! You’re such an incredible artist and inspiration! Thanks so much for sharing and wish you ALL the best creatively and otherwise for 2021! Hugs!!
Dearest Juliet,
Thank you for your sharing. We have also experienced many losses and difficult cancellations, but you are one that helped me see what I love to paint. I had not painted before 2020 in decades, but our enforced lock down (we are in the over 65 bunch) gave me opportunity to spend quality and quantity of time doing art. Your classes have moved me to paint the loveliness and grace of florals. I am not terribly talented, but I choose to live in a no-judgement art room, so all is good. Thank you for the gift of your talents and be blessed through all of 2021!
Hi Juliet. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us. I am sorry for your husbands loss and with your cat. Know that with you sharing your experiences you give us hope that we will be okay. I am on your waiting list for licensing for artist I hope I can make it in. You are an inspiration to all of us artists out here. 🌺