A little over six years ago, I was sitting at my desk job as an in-house designer for a local newspaper. I had dreams of painting patterns, seeing my art on products, and running my own creative business full-time. I had been adding to my savings for over year, took a business plan class, and […]

My Top 3 Tips to Getting Your Art Licensed

Art Licensing

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Today I’m going to show you a few of the simple steps I take to scan, clean up, and remove the paper backgrounds from my painted artwork using Adobe Photoshop. Note that if you would like to dive deeper into this technique, I have a Skillshare class here showing you my exact process for making patterns out of my […]

The Basic Steps to Digitizing Your Art (and Why It’s Important!)

Tools + How-Tos

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This June will mark 5 years since I left my day job to become a full-time business owner. Today I wanted to share more about my journey so far in the hopes that it may inspire you if want to do the same!  I didn’t set out to be an artist as my career, but when […]

My Story: How I Became a Full-Time Artist

Personal Updates

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Artists, Download Your Roadmap Here!

In this free 10 page guide, I’m sharing with you the 7 main milestones you may experience as a licensing artist, along with helpful mindsets for each stage. Download below and get more free tips from me on art business!

Free guide

The Licensing Artist's 